Saturday, February 4, 2017


Unit: Sequential Art

Grade 9
Visual Arts

After taking the following quizlet to assess the students prior knowledge the students 
were divided into three groups. Pre-Assessing the students allows the teacher to 
ascertain current student knowledge and then to differentiate from that point. Usually for art, I do pre-Assessments in the form of practical art exercises to see what student skill 
levels are. In this assignment I created a quiz to test students knowledge about the art 
form studied.

Group 1: 5 students who answered most of the questions correctly

Group 2: 12 students who have some knowledge of the subject but need to further 
develop their higher order thinking skills

Group 3: 5 students who have limited knowledge of the topic

Lucid Chart showing the differentiation:

Group 1:

Task: Reading and Annotated Observational Drawings 

This group already has an understanding and knowledge of the concepts and art form 
studied. They are ready to begin the practical application of their knowledge. They are asked to read and analyze two chapters of Scott McCloud's Understanding comics and 
identify the use of panel transitions by creating annotated artist copies (observational 
drawings from the work with annotations). The annotations would reflect on the concepts presented in the original artwork, detail the techniques used, and include the student's 
interpretation of the effect.

Above: sample annotated drawings showing process, research, and student reflection working in tandem. 

The student annotated comic pages will show copies of McCloud's work that the students will select. They will illustrate the techniques of each of the six panel transitions. Then the students will complete annotations that identify the techniques being used, what effect they have, and how they communicate with the reader. These pages will be presented to class to visually represent and reinforce the concepts. 

Group 2:

Task 1: Visual Dictionary The students will be introduced to the work of Scott McCloud and read the chapters on the introduction to sequential art. They will work with partners to find definitions for the terms that they missed from the reading. The students will created a short dictionary of terms that has a written definition and an illustration showing the 
concept. The students can use visual examples from the text, but they are also 
encouraged to create their own visual concepts to illustrate the terms. Along with each 
definition the students will create a category called applications. This category will 
evaluate and articulate how the concept or technique is used or applied in Sequential Art.

They will present their work to the class as a way of sharing their research.

Group 3:

Visual Scavenger Hunt: The students will be given a copy of the graphic novel text 
Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud. They will be given a scavenger hunt sheet that has visual excerpts associated with each concept. The visuals in the graphic novel have
text associated with them explaining the concept or technique that McCloud is discussing. The scavenger hunt sheet will have all of the text whited out. The sheet will have two 
additional columns with a space to fill in the name of the concept and the definition. They will have to skim or read through the text to find the visual excerpt and then read it, 
identify the concept, and the definition.
Flash Cards: From their Visual Scavenger Hunt the students will create flashcards to 
study the concepts and techniques in greater detail.

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