Saturday, December 17, 2016

Planning Assessments

The objective for which you are writing assessments

  • A description of at least three types of formative assessments that will help you know that students are meeting the objective 
  • A rationale for selecting each assessment.

  • The Objective

    The Objective I chose for this follows grade 9 Visual Arts Unit on Sequential Art. The standard is:

    Criteria B - Developing Skills

    ii demonstrate the application of skills and techniques to create, perform and/or present art. 

    The students will use the techniques of sequential art portraying movement, change and transformation in a series of ordered sequential images.

    Formative and Rationale

    Written Reflection-

    The students will write a reflection on the art form, the skills, and techniques. They will identify the skills and how they are used in the artwork by McCloud. They will then outline possible ways of applying them in a unique artwork.

    This reflection will identify whether the students understand the background, concepts, and context of the skills and techniques used. It will also show whether the students are ready to apply the skills/techniques by assessing their ability to plan and outline an artistic intention. 

    Annotated Artist Study and Visual Plan-

    The students will select an artist of their choice and research one skill and technique each. They will annotate the source material showing how the artist uses the technique/skill in the work. The students will then create a Visual Plan (sketch) showing how they would implement the techniques studied in their own work.

    Rationale: This assessment shows the student as a researcher and an inquirer. They must be able to visually identify the skills in the artwork studied and incorporate them into a drawn Visual Plan. This involves both conceptual learning and practical application of skills.

    One Page Abstract Comic -

    The students will create a one page abstract comic with an emphasis on applying the skills learned from their first two summatives. The students identify the skills and apply them to their one page comic.
    Rationale: This assessment scaffolds the skills learned in the first two assessments and gives the student the opportunity to apply the information to their work.

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