Friday, December 9, 2016

Reflection on Teaching Standards


Through the process of working with some of the MYP Arts Standards in this unit I felt a certain sense of familiarity with the work and the subject as these are alright parts of my teaching practice. In my current school I work with the standards to design assessments both formative (learning engagements) and summative. I also use backwards planning to design the course in order to get the students at the necessary skill level by the end of the year. However, I did have some new clarity with understanding the standards that I already work with through these assignments.

Unpacking Standards

Through the analysis of the language in these standards I was able to clarify more fully the nature of the standards I've been working with in school. By looking at the verbs used I was able to create clearer expectations and write my assessments towards those actions.

Backwards Planning

Backwards planning is something that I already do in my current position and with my department. However, I liked having to think about it from the context of the standard. I usually think about first the course objectives, global contexts, and lines of inquiry when doing backwards planning.

Writing Objectives

Using the smart acronym was a helpful way to break down the objectives into something less conceptual and more practical. This way of expressing the standards gives a clear idea about the following tasks that will achieve the objectives.

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